Like many of my classmates, I already had some idea about coding for the web. Do I feel bored? Not at all. I’m truly happy about the teaching style I’m receiving: a holistic approach in learning to design for the web. I’m not only learning to build websites, but also to design them, and learning about what makes a good design. Finally!
Being part of a group feels pleasant. Daily stand-ups, contacting your fellow classmates and instructor… (last night, I even dreamt that I was at my instructor’s house and he was explaining some HTML stuff to me and reminding me why I decided to start all this again.) Being exposed itself is vitally important.
As an introvert, I’ve always struggled to talk. And having to talk about my own work is an even bigger challenge. So I needed to be nudged by someone else. I feel like I found the right place. Nothing really grows in your comfort zone. I like that every day we’re nudged to do stuff out of it. In fact, it feels more like an expansion of my comfort zone.
New ways of thinking I’ve developed so far: I’m not anxious anymore about how much HTML or CSS I should know. There’s simply no end. As with real human languages, you’re always learning new words and new concepts. I’m learning to not be afraid about learning. As my dad used to say “the stagnant water rots.”
That last paragraph is packed full of truth!! We only grow outside of our comfort zone, and stagnate within it